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Kali Rose Spirit Wisdom

Kali Rose
KRSW Founder.
Transformational Guide. Coach. Yogini.
Mermaid Warrior
❤️🔥 🧜🏻♀️ ❤️🔥
Thank you for your interest in Kali Rose Spirit Wisdom! I hope you are finding what you're looking for here in my little corner of the world wide web.
I am a real, live person. No AI here! Not even filters on my photos. Technology is great, but I am all about soul connection and I want you to see my heart in these pages.
My hope is to inspire you to look deeper at that beautiful being in the mirror and find the courage to connect with who you really are inside. I want you to know what it's like to live your best life because I'm living mine! You deserve it as much as I do and you can do it too! I believe in you! That's not a sales pitch, that's TRUTH. The kind with the capital letters. The great universal TRUTH that too often remains hidden from us in daily life.
So, a little more about this real person that I am who is living a totally extraordinary life:
I am a California native. I was born and raised in Southern California. I spent most of my 20's in the American South first attending college in Nashville, TN. Then, I moved to Atlanta, GA after graduating and marrying my husband at 22 years of age. Yep. I thought I knew what life was all about at that tender age. Looking back, that feels way too young to get married, but I'm happy to say I picked a good man to share my life with. We've been through thick and thin over 25 years of marriage. Not going to lie to you, there have been times I wasn't sure we could continue to make it work. But, finding your way through those hard times and coming out stronger on the other side is one of the sweetest joys of a life-long partnership. We've both grown and changed over the years and somehow we've found a way to grow together through it all.
If you're at a place where you are questioning whether your marriage or life partnership is on the right track, I encourage you to get to know yourself better. Deeper self awareness will give you the clarity to choose your next steps with peace and confidence. Go check out my Services if you want to know how I can help you with this!
After 18 years in California's stress-filled Silicon Valley, my husband and I relocated in 2022 to the beautiful and quiet Santa Cruz Mountains. Valuing a slower pace and closer connection with nature, we also choose to spend quite a bit of time in what has come to be a second home for us on the blissful island of Brač in Croatia each year.
Besides my husband, Matt, I also share my best life and my mountainside dream home, and most trips to Croatia with my two mostly grown children - Caeden (22) and Avia (18). I'm a pet mom too with 2 very needy, super-sized Pomeranians - Tanner & Apollo, plus 1 picky little tortoise - Mr. J.
I love to garden, hike, read, learn new things, wine and dine with friends, and spend quality time with my family.
I left a long career in Montessori education management as part of my process of spiritual awakening. Though I was a compassionate, capable, and committed school leader, I came to realize that It wasn't really where I belonged and I knew I needed to find my real passion and purpose.
Kali Rose Spirit Wisdom was born out of that deep soul desire. It took me over 40 years to find myself and I came to realize that my mission in this life is to help others get there too. We're both worthy of living our best lives. Let's get to work today and discover YOUR best life together!

Kali Rose Spirit Wisdom. I just love the name of my business! It was beautifully inspired by my process of spiritual awakening and getting to know my true and eternal self. It has a deeply personal and esoteric meaning that reflects it's spiritual creation and manifestation through me and the life I now choose to live with very conscious intention. I consider Kali Rose Spirit Wisdom the most important thing I've ever done; it is my true life work, my own perfect creation and contribution to the world. It was birthed in November of 2021 and I very carefully chose its name and gifted it an auspicious astrological birth time to support its success here on Planet Earth.
Kali is a deity of the Hindu tradition, she is the Mother Goddess of transformation. She chose me from the beginning and revealed herself to me early in my spiritual journey as a key influence. My soul is a reflection of her energy, always destined to be a change maker in the world. Kali flows her transformational energy through me like a mighty river to rebirth the divine again and again. She's a powerful and fierce energy that many fear because they fear the end of this life. In TRUTH, Kali represents not death as an ending, but the full and never ending cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth. The wheel keeps on turning and destruction brings regeneration just as winter gives way to spring each year. In Kali's fierceness there is potent, fiery, unceasing love that always brings renewal out of ashes. Light does not exist without darkness.
Rose in Kali Rose Spirit Wisdom is derived from another powerful feminine energy with ancient roots. The delicate, fragrant, and full flower has long been associated with the female sex organ which births new life into the world. The rose is also connected with Mary Magdalene, the disciple and consort of Jesus the Christ. Mary Magdalene is a bit of a mystery with much of the historical documentation of her life, ministry, and teachings having been obscured through destruction by the self-legitimized Christian Church. The patriarchy could not succeed in stamping her power and influence out entirely so they wrote her off as a prostitute instead. Such a shame, but Mary Magdalene's mystic tradition has survived underground through the gnostic gospels, secret societies, and in various nooks and crannies throughout Europe. What we know of her is that she was born out of a long line of powerful priestesses whose matriarchal beliefs flourished in the holy land for centuries. Countless archeological finds demonstrate the roots of these beliefs were widespread throughout the prehistoric world and preceded the patriarchal beliefs of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity that followed and eclipsed them. Mary Magdalene is thought to be an aspect of the original divine mother goddess who has been called by various names in ancient cultures. She was a teacher alongside Jesus the Christ who was the masculine half of a yin-yang whole that was complimented and completed by the feminine energy of Mary Magdalene. She is the missing piece. When we find her, we find that missing part of ourselves - the passion and purpose that brought us here.
In essence, Kali Rose Spirit Wisdom's purpose is to bring forth transformation through spiritual wisdom, helping you to discover the missing pieces of yourself that will unlock your full potential with the keys of passion and purpose that you already have in your possession. You just need to find them.
I am grateful and indebted to my brother, Travis Rasmussen, a very talented and creative artist and graphics designer who created the beautiful KRSW logo with guidance from me that it should incorporate the fish of the astrological sign Pisces and evoke the yin yang symbol that signifies harmony and balance between masculine and feminine energies and the wholeness of the two essential elements of creation in combination. The masculine needs the feminine just as the light needs the darkness. Our world is one of duality; the essence of the physical is opposites in dynamic tension. I am endlessly fascinated by this symbology that weaves it's way through everything we experience in life on this planet. I am so happy with the logo that my brother brought to life for KRSW out of my abstract symbolic vision! He nailed it!
If I lost you anywhere in all that, don't worry! Sometimes people want to know more about the meaning of Kali Rose Spirit Wisdom and it's logo, and so here it is to satisfy the curious. Spiritual awakening means that I can and do swim at dizzying depths. That's the Warrior Mermaid in me! As we focus on discovering YOUR best life, I promise we'll stay at a depth you're comfortable with!

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