Explore your Saboteurs with me, The Warrior Mermaid Coach!
Get started by clicking on "Book Now" below.
Your Saboteurs are messing with you! They hijack your again and again and keep you stuck in negative emotions. Take your first step on the journey to a more positive mindset by booking a FREE 30-minute Saboteur Exploration Session with me, the Warrior Mermaid Coach!
After booking your session, you will receive an email from me, Kali Rose, The Warrior Mermaid, with a link to the 5-minute online Positive Intelligence® Saboteur Assessment.
After you complete your assessment, your confidential results will be emailed to you along with a customized report that you can begin exploring on your own before our session.
When we meet together, I will take you on a guided deep dive to reveal how the Saboteurs are messing with you every day, stressing you out, and disrupting the flow of abundance in your performance, relationships, and wellbeing. Through this eye-opening experience, you will gain valuable insights that can help you overcome your Saboteurs' negative patterns and tap into your innate strengths.
Let's Explore Your Saboteurs! Click on the 'Book Now' button below to schedule a free 30-minute Saboteur Exploration session. If you don't see a time block in my calendar that works with your schedule, email me at warrior-mermaid@kalirose-spirit.com​ and we will find the right time for you to experience this life-changing session!

30 min
Michelle M.
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Sangeeta P.
Kali Rose stands out - she is knowledgeable, understanding and empathetic. She does not take over and tell you what to do when you talk to her but she has a way of listening, asking questions and guiding you.
Ildiko L.
With Kali Rose's Saboteur Exploration session, I had a mind blowing breakthrough. It's so easy to go to your heart space with Kali Rose as she is very patient and gentle.

Who Is Kali Rose, The Warrior Mermaid Coach?

Kali Rose,
The Warrior Mermaid

Hi! I'm Kali Rose.
I support rockstar Gen X women just like you who are tired of feeling chronically stressed and burned out! I know what it feels like. I've been there too.
Chronic stress sneaks up on us professional, high-performing Superwomen! We are smart, strong women who've given it our all to succeed in or careers and our relationships and to take care of ourselves too. We've somehow juggled all of the responsibilities of work and family life all these years. That's why they call us Superwomen! But it's not easy is it?
And there are consequences to pay.
Raise your hand if you have developed a chronic health issue or your doctor has told you you're on the borderline for one. Yep, me too. The physical signs and symptoms of chronic stress tend to show up by our 40's or 50's.
Stress affects our bodies and our minds in so many ways. It's at the root of almost every kind of disorder and dis-ease you can think of!
And stress and it's related issues are holding you back from living the life you deserve and from fulfilling your soul's true purpose.
But, guess what! Life doesn't have to be this way! It's not too late to change course, improve your relationships, and even regain your full health too. But, you need new tools to kick stress to the curb.
As a Transformational Mindset Coach, my aim is to serve as an awakener and a recruiter of women to a higher cause. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of how much suffering and misery there is in this world and I'm ready to do something about it! I'm changing one heart and one mind at a time!
If you are chronically stressed, on the edge of burnout and feel like you have nothing left to give, let's find your magic again!
It's time for rockstar Gen X women like you and me to rise up, step into our wisdom and lead the world back to health and wellness. We are powerful creators and we will make the difference together!
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