Free Astro Chat!
What's Written in the Stars for You?
Let’s chat! Bring your coffee or beverage of choice and let’s get together to talk about everything astrology!
We’ll focus on major planetary events for the upcoming month and how they will affect us individually and globally.
All levels are welcome! Bring your astro interest and questions to this free online session!

Upcoming Free Astro Chat! Dates
January 21, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 AM PST
February 18, 2023 10:30 -11:30 AM PST
March 19, 2023 4:00 - 5:00 PM PDT

Gentle Parenting for the New Age

We have entered into the Age of Aquarius!
Parents, are your parenting skills in alignment with the values of this new age?
We are preparing our children to succeed in this environment, not the one we ourselves have experienced and certainly not the one our parents and grandparents experienced. But many of us are still using old and outdated strategies and models because it's what we grew up on and it's all we know. Our kids deserve more!
Starting in January 2023, join me online or in-person to discover new strategies to parent your child as the unique individual that he or she is and to support the divine purpose their soul has brought into this incarnation.
It's time to break away from the destructive and unhelpful parenting principles employed by our parents and previous generations!
I have over twenty years of experience as a parent, teacher, Montessori educator, and teacher trainer. I have worked directly with children from infant to teen and trained hundreds of teachers and school support staff over the years. I fuse this background with spiritual awareness to offer new age parents a unique perspective and insights into conscious and effective child-rearing.
Together we will explore the importance of supporting children’s emotional development and how parenting strategies influence our children’s emotional skills throughout their lives.
We will learn essential methods for successful communication and for helping our children appropriately modulate their emotional reactions and behaviors.
After completing this workshop you will experience more peaceful interactions with your children and you will be building the emotional skills that they will use throughout their lives to navigate the world in the New Age.
Upcoming Gentle Parenting for the New Age Dates
Online and in-person event dates and locations for Gentle Parenting will be announced here soon! Check back or send me an e-mail at kelly@kalirose-spirit.com to be added to my event contact list. I'll keep you updated regularly on upcoming events including Gentle Parenting for the New Age!